"I remember it being colder" 12"x20" (apx). acrylic, charcoal, and ink on canvas

"Fantastic" 30"x12". Acrylic, ink, on canvas

(Untitled) 55"x40". Acrylic, ink, oil stick, charcoal on canvas

"Castle and Cannons" 24"x24". ink on panel

"Have You Ever Had Screaming Children Chase You Down the Street Simply for the Fun of It?" 4'x6'. ink, enamel, and charcoal on panel

"Mark me Down as Whatever" 4.5'x4'. ink, collage on panel

"Why am I Not the Brave Bird" 5'x4'. ink, collage on panel.

Bird print. 12"x12". 3 color print, set of 15. White layer done by hand, so all 15 are completely different.