Thursday, April 30, 2009


Mononivores opening tonight! GBU! 400 S peoria, chicago! 7pm!

hope to see some people there...

as for the corn installation.. i'm taking the daily photos, but there is alot less activity going on then i had hoped for... i will still be posting them soon...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

they fixed your brain when you were young

started thinking about denver stuff alot more heavily today. debating making another zine/artistbook edition for the show. the last ones were a massive hit today. think it's something i can sell? cause that shit is expensive and time consuming. deaaamn

on a different note, go buy the new as cities burn. it's incredible.

corn updates later

salmon/corn installation

As if this week wasn't big and busy enough, I also installed a sculpture i've been working on for the last few months at the Hull House in chicago this week. If you're not familiar with the hull house, they are a group created by Jane Addams to give social services, education, and support to chicago citizens, especially youth. One of their big initiatives is a new program teaching about sustainable eating, including an urban farm on the UIC campus and a weekly free soup event with guest chefs coming in to talk about these sort of topics. In short, it's a great place and I'm honored and extremely pleased to be able to install here.

About the piece. It's titled "Salmon! Now eating corn and loving it." and is a response to the extremely mind blowing facts that farm raised salmon are now being bred to eat a heavily grain diet, and in doing so are loosing their omega 3s and have become the most highly medicated live stock.

The piece is going to be up for a week, and i'm planning to try and photograph it everyday and post here to hopefully get some interesting evidence of it's returning to the earth via animal eating

check back to see what happens...

the mononivores is up

the show at GBU/UIC is officially up. turns out hanging a solo show is dramatically more difficult then expected. either way, here it is! i'm excited about the opening thursday....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

a perfect crisp waffle potato

too much to do. finished printing the show posters after several mishaps. i need new inks. drew more corn. drilled some holes in a historical building.

almost done. show goes up friday... well see how i feel about it then...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

mononivore show details

The final details for the MONONIVORE show have finally been knocked out! i'm really excited about putting up (and finishing YIKES!) all this work...

The show will be up at the GBU Gallery in the Art and Design hall (400 S peoria st) on the 5th floor at U of I Chicago from April 27th-30. I'll be having an "opening" reception on the 30th at 7-830pm. afterwords, we will be walking a block north to Jak's Tap to enjoy some adult beverages.

I would love for anyone able to come see this show to come see it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

truck meet body

extremely long weekend full of extremely sweet and long hangs. needless to say, almost nothing that was supposed to get done did. i need a weekend from my weekend....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

shit's getting ridiculous

Yeah. Thats a ladder i have to use to draw the last piece in the "mononivore" series. It's 8 feet tall. shits ridiculous. oh, and you can see the salmon in the background.

Either way, it's almost done and i'm really excited. I also got the go ahead today that i will be hanging the ENTIRE series at once at the University of Illinois Chicago the last week of april (27-1). It's EASILY the most ambitious effort i have ever under taken, and i hope some people will come by to check it out. I'll post more info when i get it. for now, i need to put some fancy cheese on some fancy meat.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

paper buildings

worked all day on finishing my corn installation. turns out fishing line is capable of slicing thru your skin... or i was pulling it that tight. either way, i have several cuts on my hands, which hurts. either way hopefully it goes well enough that i can hang it on location.

i bought almost 80 square feet of canvas today, and it is supposed to only be for 2 pieces. that's ridiculous. otherwise worked on a bunch of smaller ideas tonight that i'm pretty happy about... hopefully all of this experimenting is gonna cause for some great stuff for denver. i really need to start working on that....

Saturday, April 4, 2009

new mexico

"Two weeks ago to the day i swore i would never move to albuquerque, yet tonight i find myself waking up in new mexico with a large rat problem"

I started working on some sketches for the Denver show last night. i'm not exactly sure how it's going to shape up yet, but i'm going with a decomposing/abandoned/dark view of the city, almost to critique the theme i came up with for out show.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

new steps in corn

new steps on the mononivore project... the pig is a bit blurry but you get the idea. started the fish tonight to, but i sorta hate the paper i used.... well see how i feel when it dries....