As if this week wasn't big and busy enough, I also installed a sculpture i've been working on for the last few months at the Hull House in chicago this week. If you're not familiar with the hull house, they are a group created by Jane Addams to give social services, education, and support to chicago citizens, especially youth. One of their big initiatives is a new program teaching about sustainable eating, including an urban farm on the UIC campus and a weekly free soup event with guest chefs coming in to talk about these sort of topics. In short, it's a great place and I'm honored and extremely pleased to be able to install here.
About the piece. It's titled "Salmon! Now eating corn and loving it." and is a response to the extremely mind blowing facts that farm raised salmon are now being bred to eat a heavily grain diet, and in doing so are loosing their omega 3s and have become the most highly medicated live stock.
The piece is going to be up for a week, and i'm planning to try and photograph it everyday and post here to hopefully get some interesting evidence of it's returning to the earth via animal eating
check back to see what happens...
I adore this! Congrats on the installation and the show, good stuff. :)