Being that i'm back in chicago, I've been working like a mad man. Being able to work larger again has been like a drug. These all currently look like a fucking mess of non sense... and most likely some of them will stay there... but currently heres some works in progress.
I tend to work from the literature i've been reading, but failed foreign aid to africa isn't the most inspiring of topics. That being said, ive started to work more about myself, back in the days or touring, my weird dreams and obsessions of rats... i'm not sure exactly.
Either way, here they are with size info. Tell me what you think. I'm serious. unless you're just gonna tell me it looks "carolesque".. in that scenario just keep your god damn trap shut.
oh and.. Listen to owen, read a moveable feat, and stay away from hamms. i promise all of these things are in your best interest.


2.5'x1.5' apx

two canvases, each 5'x1'


I'm into the vampire teeth one. It's like a cheery True Blood. What a good art critic I am.
ReplyDeletei like thems teef. no but really i do.