Friday, May 8, 2009

prognosis negative

turns out i don't have gal bladder sludge, infact the doctor called me today to tell me all of my tests came back 100% healthy. looks like this guy is going uninsured for the next 3 months. i'll just hold on to the bengay.

i'm in NYC for the week. Melissa and I are waiting to hear from a friend for lunch. thought i'd take this time to post some pictures from the mononivore show for everyone who couldn't make it...

a couple of low quality gallery views...

all images are silk screen and india ink on gessoed paper. each panel is 18x24 to give you an idea of the scale....


  1. what? you made these?
    i have a warm proud place in my heart.
    this is exciting.

  2. Zach! I love them! The cow is my favorite. :) Wish I could have been there to compliment you in real time. Love your guts. -Samantha
